
Exchange your crypto
with CryptoBlue

Fast and secure way to purchase or exchange 5+ crypto and fiat currencies.

Exchange rate:

1 BTC = 16.632000 ETH


Our Services

Best Rates

We give you the best exchange rates with the lowest fees.

Fully Encrypted

Requests are fully encrypted, which offers greater privacy.

Instant Cashout

In a few minutes your crypto or fiat will be in your wallets.

Safe and Secure

You are 100% protected with our security system.

Times of work

The official time is from 10 AM - 10 PM, GMT-4.

Distinguishes Us

We are constantly adding new payment methods


Latest exchanges

Send Amount Receive Amount Status
Bank Transfer (US Only) USD 500 USD Ethereum ETH 0.15539919 ETH Completed
Bank Transfer (Eurozone) EUR 10000.00 EUR USD Coin USDC 10000.00000000 USDC Completed
Bank Transfer (UK Only) GBP 176000.00 GBP USD Coin USDC 200000.00000000 USDC Completed
Bank Transfer (Eurozone) EUR 575193.84 EUR Bitcoin BTC 19.00000000 BTC Completed
Bitcoin BTC 100 BTC Ethereum ETH 1305.00000000 ETH Completed
Bank Transfer (US Only) USD 23323.10 USD Ethereum ETH 10.00000000 ETH Completed
Bank Transfer (US Only) USD 1090976.04 USD Bitcoin BTC 33.00000000 BTC Completed
Bank Transfer (US Only) USD 3305988.00 USD Bitcoin BTC 100.00000000 BTC Completed
Bank Transfer (US Only) USD 33004.40 USD Bitcoin BTC 1.00000000 BTC Completed

Customer Reviews


Our Reserve


99999848 BTC


99998684.84460081 ETH

USD Coin

99790000 USDC

Bitcoin Cash

1000 BCH

Binance Coin

1000 BNB


1000000 DOGE


100000000 USDT


10000 XRP

Bank Transfer (Eurozone)

100000000 EUR

Bank Transfer (UK Only)

100000000 GBP

Bank Transfer (US Only)

100000000 USD


We Accept